Ryosuke MORITA

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gifu University



Please visit the new distrubution site in GitHub

ODQLab is a free Matlab-based graphical tool for design and verification of optimal dynamic quantizers.
It needs only few parameter inputs and some clicks.

Design examples are found in SICE JCMI Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 408–416, 2008 and IEEE MSC 2010, pp. 2356–2361, which are listed in a "Publication" page.

System requirement

odqlab_2.1.3.zip (140.7KB)

Please add the unzipped directory to MATLAB path.

To launch ODQLab, please type "odqlab" in Matlab command line.

An interactive mode is available with typing "odqlab_interact" instead of "odqlab"

ODQ Toolbox

Please visit the new distrubution site in GitHub

ODQ Toolbox is a free MATLAB-based tool without GUI for design of optimal dynamic quantizers.

System requirement

odqtoolbox_1.1.0.zip (27KB)

Please add the unzipped directory to MATLAB path.

(You can get a brief guidance by "help" command.)